Come join the Try-outs for Belgian U17 Baseball5 team this 8 October
Are you between 13 and 17 years old?
Whether you are a girl or a boy, the future Belgian U17 National Baseball5 Team needs you!
The KBBSF-FRBBS Baseball5 Commission is happy to invite you to the first try-out in order to create a mixed team to defend our colours at the next European Championship which will take place in November 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Whether you play Softball or Baseball, whether you have played Baseball5 or not, we are interested in your profile.
We need both boys and girls with the Belgian Nationality, born between 2005 and 2009, in our team. So motivate yourself and your teammates to come and show your skills and talents as a player during our try-out !
The try-out will take place at the LFBBS Baseball & Softball Academy on Saturday, October 8th from 1:30 pm to 6 pm.
The program of the try-out will arrive soon…
Here is the form to complete in order to register for the Try-out:
For more information, you can contact: