Contact Us
For general KBBSF-FRBBS inquiries use our general e-mail form below.
For direct inquiries, contact one of our employees at the Flemish (BSV) or Walloon (LFBBS) Leagues.
Baseball Softball Vlaanderen
Boomgaardstraat 22 bus 3
2600 Berchem – België
Tel. +32 3 286 07 89
Ligue Francophone de Baseball et de Softball
Rue des Prémontrés 12
4000 Liège – Belgique
Tel. +32 4 279 76 17
Bankrekeningen / Comptes bancaires
KBBSF-FRBBS: BE79 7350 0224 5233
CUS: BE97 7450 0391 6849