Selection of Belgian U17 Baseball5 players announced
The KBBSF-FRBBS Baseball5 Commission, piloted by Nicolas Havelange, is glad to announce the U17 selection after the try-outs which took place at the LFBBS Baseball & Softball Academy on Saturday, October 8th.
The team will battle at the first ever U17 European Baseball5 Championships which will be held from 16-19 November 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The teams will not only compete for the title of European Champion but also qualify for the WBSC Youth Baseball5 World Cup, scheduled for 2023.
The U17 Baseball5 European Championship will feature 14 national squads: Belgium, home team Bulgaria, Czechia, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Netherlands, Romania, and Türkiye.
Amongst the selected Belgian youth players, we have eleven French speaking and 1 Dutch speaking players.
Here is the complete list, Congratz!