Try-Outs NT Baseball5 Seniors men and ladies
If you are 16+ with a Belgian nationality it means you are eligible for the Belgian National Team Baseball5 seniors. Whether you are male or female, the future Belgian senior squad needs you!
The Baseball5 Commission of the KBBSF-FRBBS would like to invite you to the second national senior selections in its history to form a mixed team that will participate in the 2023 Baseball5 European Championship, 7-11 November in Lithuania this year.
Whether you play Softball or Baseball, whether you’ve played Baseball5 or not, we are interested in your profile! We need enthusiastic players from Flanders en Wallonia. Don’t hesitate to come over with your best teammates to show off your talents.
The try-outs will take place at the Andenne Arena, rue Dr Melin 14, 5300 Andenne, on Sunday 5 March 2023 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The full program will be communicated to the registered candidates.
Register before March 2, 2023 by filling in this registration form:
If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact Nicholas Havelange:
Instagram @baseball5_belgium